China is a country of epic numbers- 1.4 billion people inhabit one of the world’s largest countries. It borders a whopping 14 countries which is more then any other and stretches from the Himalayas of the west to the tropics of the east. It is a country steeped in tradition but you won’t find the Chinese people dwelling in the past too long- as its one of the fastest-growing countries in the world.

If that hasn’t persuaded you then let me give you some more reasons you should move to China to teach.


With that amount of people in one country and everyone striving to be the best, there are so many people wanting to learn a new language, whether its to get a better job or implement it at a young age which means there are so many job opportunities available. There are many different schools, universities, training centres for all different ages which means there are plenty of people wanting to hire foreign teachers. With so much competition many offer competitive salaries and great welcome packages to lure you in, but be warned once you get here you might want to stay longer than you thought. I have also known lots of people that have come to teach and have diversified into other job roles here in China, there are so many opportunities to grow and develop. China is the land of opportunities so make the most of your time here.



If you decide to come to teach it usually ends up being with kids. Many kids here in China start learning from as young as 3yrs old. I’m probably biased because I live here but they are some of the cutest kids I’ve ever met. They get so excited to see their foreign teacher and love learning and playing games with you. Teaching is one of the most rewarding jobs you can do, making a difference in someone’s life by teaching skills is something that will change you forever. It’s not just kids from your school either children in the street will say hello to you and try to practice their English. It’s so cute!



As I mentioned before you are usually offered a generous welcome package to relocate to this foreign land, but that’s not all. The wage is generally pretty high in China and many schools offer you extra packages like an apartment or a housing allowance and bonus’s throughout or when you complete your contract. Also depending on which city you live in the cost of living can be pretty cheap compared to other places in the world. Obviously if you choose Beijing or Shanghai then maybe not as housing in these places is crazy but generally, you will also get paid a little more because of this. That being said there is also more to do so you generally spend more too. I think a second-tier city is great as its a little bit cheaper but a good introduction to China. They usually aren’t quite as Westernised but there is still lots to do.


China is a great place to save some money for the future. Once you get over your first few months  of moving and get settled into a routine most people will find they are saving without even really trying. Especially in smaller cities where the food and rent are so cheap most people will find each month they have some of their pay left to put aside for the future. Obviously, if you go out every day and only eat western food then you probably won’t save anything but then if your going to do that then why move to China? Most teachers find after a year or two they can go off travelling full time, have a deposit for a house or they’ve cleared all their student debt which is a winner. 


No doubt China is pretty far away from your home country and like I said earlier its boarded by 14 countries which means its perfect for travelling. China itself is such a big and diverse country that there are countless places to explore. There are so many different regions and climates in China it’s hard to pick where to go first. There are also so many beautiful places to go in Asia on your holidays from work. Some public and international schools have a few weeks off in Winter and Summer which means you can spend your holidays exploring everything Asia has to offer.


This is important where ever you go, well to me it is anyway. Food! China has such a huge selection of food, its amazing! You think you like Chinese food from the takeaway down the street well, let me tell you you haven’t even tasted real Chinese food until you come to China. China has some of the most interesting and varied food you can imagine. Ranging from what we in the west would consider normal to what would be perceived at home as outrageous. It is best to adopt an open mind and a “better-not-to-know” attitude. Each region has its own delicacies, from the famous Peking duck in the North to the spicy Sichuan in the South. China is one of the most famed culinary countries in the world. 



It is full of historical culture and beautiful architecture. China has such an amazing history and its fascinating to come here and learn more about it. Its ancient temples and buildings offer a stark contrast to the glistening skyscrapers and malls that are popping up all over the place and are a constant reminder of the diversity of Chinese culture. 


Boost your CV

Some people will think oh if you leave the west and go travelling you will never find a job when you return. But that is untrue coming to China to teach English will boost you CV not harm it. You have gained experience in teaching, living abroad, adapting to new environments, working under pressure, working with kids, the list goes on. To a potential employer this worldly experience is invaluable, and if not, then its not the right job for you. 

Learn a new language

Moving to China will offer you the chance to completely immerse yourself in a new language and give you the best opportunity to live, learn and practice whilst you do. You can do this in many ways, download a good Chinese app like ‘Hello Chinese’ so you can practice a little bit a day. Get yourself a tutor so you can get feedback and if your really serious you can go to school to learn. Mandarin is spoken by more native speakers in the world than any other language, knowing it would definitely open up more opportunities in life.

Improve your Insta game

If you are big on social media then moving to China will certainly up your Instagram game. Just think of all those amazing photos you will take. Not just normal China ones like ‘The Great Wall’ or ‘The Bund’ you will find all the cool hidden spots in China that you can brag about. 


Make new friends

If you come to China no doubt you will be working with some other foreigners in your school which automatically means - new friends. Not just friends from the same country you will meet friends from all over the world which is so cool. In every city in China, there is a big expat community so you won’t be stuck for things to do. In smaller cities most will hang out in the same places, in larger cities there are often sports clubs, quiz nights, and bars to meet new friends in. Of course it’s not just other westerners that you will make friends with I’m sure all your new Chinese colleagues will be welcoming and wanting to make a new friend too. The Chinese love nothing better than bonding over some hot pot and heading to KTV. Many of which will be so kind they will help you do things that with your limited Chinese probably wouldn’t be able to do without them.


Meet your future husband or partner

I can’t guarantee that this will happen but you could potentially meet your future partner. The population in China is huge and so many people mean that the one could be here. It could even be another expat, you both have the drive to travel and a sense of adventure to move to a new country, who knows what will happen. It could be a Chinese national many people I know have come to China and found their future husband or wife.

You'll have loads of funny stories

Not everything will be perfect in China so I’m sure you will come away with LOADS of funny stories. Whether its a travel story, something one of your kids did, something you ate, everything is interesting here in China as its completely different to what you know. Everyday is a new story waiting to be told.

New experiences

China is filled with new experiences that you would never encounter in other countries if you are wanting to experience something totally different in your life then coming to China will certainly be a new experience. 

If you like a challenge

I can’t lie to you, not every day is fun and games, although if you are a teacher it kind of is. There are certain challenges that come with moving to any new country especially one as big as China. If you have never been here before then it will probably be a big culture shock but if you come with an open mind and a sense of adventure then you will overcome the challenges and have an amazing time.

If this hasn’t convinced you that coming to teach in China will not only change your life but be one of the best experiences ever, then I don’t know what will. I have been living in China for over two and a half years and not a day goes by that I’m not thankful I made the move. It can, of course, be hard to be away from friends and family but the good certainly outweighs the bad.

If you would rather watch a video then read this post then here is my video on YouTube….





Moving to China? Download a VPN now. Use my favourite VPN provider…….


Here are some fun teaching materials for learning English…


If you are thinking about teaching in China then get in touch.